4 CallBack

Path:/hypercard/callback(this path is just an example, merchant can be configure their own callback path on their merchant platform)



Response Content-Type:application/json


This is a callback endpoint use by Hyperback, Merchant require to follow the rule in order to extract and verify the information.

This callback will be use by multiple callback type, notify_type will be use by justify the callback type.

Merchant must verify request signature upon received the callback.

Here is the steps to verify the signature and header information

Public key use for verification can be acquire from the Merchant Platform

Common Example Request:

  "notify_type": "TRANSFER_VERIFY",
  "data": {}

Common Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
notify_type string true Type of callback, eg: TRANSFER_VERIFY is for verify the transfer request
data object true data,different notify type will have different structure. Check on the individual callback notify type documentation to know more

Common API Response:

Parameter Name Type Description
code int Status:1 Success; other is Fail
msg string Result message
data object Reserve

Common Example Response:

  "code": 1,
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {}

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