



Response Content-Type:application/json


This is an asynchronous interface. Please use the transfer result query interface to get the final result.

In order to increase the security of this interface, merchants are required to provide the 4.1 Transfer Verify Callback interface for security verification

Example Request:

  "amount": "888.88888888",
  "coin": "usdt",
  "order_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb22",
  "type": 1,
  "user_identifier": ""

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
amount string true Transfer amount, must be more than 0;Maximum 8 digit number
coin string true Coin type name; Maximum 20 characters
order_no string true Merchant transaction business no,Define by merchant;Maximum 64 characters;must be unique for each transaction
type integer true Transfer type, 1:from merchant to user account; 2: from user to merchant account
user_identifier string true User unique identifier,Maximum 64 characters

API Response:

Parameter Name Description Type
code Error code string
data object Data object for this respond
  amount Transfer amount string
  coin Coin type name string
  order_no Merchant transaction business no string
  reason Fail reason string
  status Transfer status; 0:In operation, 1:Success, 2:Fail, 3:To be verify, 4:Verifying, 5:Verify fail integer
  type Transfer type, 1:from merchant to user account; 2: from user to merchant account integer
msg Error message string

Example Response:

  "code": "00000",
  "data": {
    "amount": "888.88888888",
    "coin": "usdt",
    "order_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb22",
    "reason": "Fail reason",
    "status": 1,
    "type": 1
  "msg": "ok"
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