4.1 Transfer Verify Callback
This is a callback API to confirm the transfer request from the merchant.
Merchant balance will be check upon we received the transfer request from merchant. We keep the transfer request on verify if the balance is sucficient to transfer.
After that, this Transfer Verify Callback will be send to the common callback endpoint (merchant configured on their Merchant Platform). Merchant require to verify the transfer detail.
If the transfer detail is correct, merchant require to respond to the callback as in Callback, upon receive the callback confirmation from merchant, we will proceed with the transfer request.
If the merchant respond with "Fail" on the callback, we will terminate this transfer request.
Example Request:
"notify_type": "TRANSFER_VERIFY",
"data": {
"amount": "888.88888888",
"coin": "usdt",
"order_no": "48d2741747a4493223feb22",
"type": 1,
"user_identifier": "hypercard@legend.tech"
Request Parameter:
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
notify_type | string | true | Type of callback, TRANSFER_VERIFY , to verify the transfer request |
data | object | true | data,same with the transfer request merchant sent to the platform |
amount | string | true | Transfer amount |
coin | string | true | Coin type name; |
order_no | string | true | Merchant transaction business no |
type | integer | true | Transfer type |
user_identifier | string | true | User unique identifier |