API for sending verification codes by email or SMS

Path:/hypercard/send/verify_code(this path is just an example, merchant can be configure their own callback path on their merchant platform)



Response Content-Type:application/json


This API is provided by the Merchant and configured on the developer configuration page in the merchant background

The signature of this interface is consistent with the common CallbackAPI

The content of sending SMS/email is defined by the merchant according to the business type

Example Request:

  "receiver": "86 1888888888",
  "verify_code": "888888",
  "business_type": "1",
  "send_type": 1

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
receiver string true verification code receiver,when send_type=1,this filed value is "code phone_number"; when send_type=2,this filed value is "email"
verify_code string true verification code,6 random numbers
business_type string true The type of business that sends the verification code; 1 Open card business
send_type integer true Verification code type; 1 SMS sending; 2 Email Sending

API Response:

Parameter Name Type Description
code string Error code; 1 is success, other is failed
data object for this respond object
msg string Error message

Example Response:

  "code": 1,
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {}
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